Bass Pro is full of interesting objects, like stuffed and mounted deer, quail, fish and this eerie stuffed possum...
...which is hanging directly above these stuffed, headless children. Fun store.
Bass Pro is full of interesting objects, like stuffed and mounted deer, quail, fish and this eerie stuffed possum...
...which is hanging directly above these stuffed, headless children. Fun store.
The fish tank was so empty looking, we went and got some guppies. 2 males and 3 more females. Maybe we can finally get some babies.
I couldn't believe this license plate on this car. If it had been on a Pinto, it would have been funny and I would have appreciated the humor of it. But "AWFUL" on a Lexus?
"Oh, yeah, dude. It sucks to be you."
The husks and silk went into the compost. Oops, looks like I accidently threw some rat toys in there with some bedding. I don't do much with the compost, and we haven't removed any fresh compost to put on the garden. I started the compost when I read that 30% of landfills are garden and kitchen waste. Please, if you like me at all, don't throw your organic waste in the trash! This modest little compost pile is about 3 feet square and it has saved numerous square feet of stinky landfill.
Nellie REALLY wanted some corn. I put the corn cob to her nose for her to smell it and she tried to take it away from me! So I pulled off some kernels and let her have them.
Corn...who knew?
In this bed: Left, rhododendron azalea.
Middle, honeysuckle that I have been slashing at for years
Right two, creeping phlox (pink and lavender)
Right background, Blue fescue
And of course no flower bed is complete without a statue of a dog carrying a purse.
Since I consider myself a birder, and consider this a birding blog (sort of) I tried to get some pictures of a bird to put on here. A not-great pic of two Carolina Chickadees:
My in-laws have placed their new Christopher Walden print over their fireplace.
(The top bird is an American Kestrel; the bird about to be eaten is a Bobwhite)
So there ya go...your rat fix is satisfied.
The girls love anything with wheels...at the front of the store, they climbed into one of the "kiddie" Jeeps and asked me to buy it. Sure, let me get out $400 and blow it on a toy.
Except for what I bought today. Lorelei got a LeapFrog magnetic letter/phonics thing, with each letter as a magnet (she loves to rearrange the magnets on the fridge anyway) and a little box that says the letter and what sound it makes. She hasn't stopped playing with it. And her little voice is so cute as she sings the Alphabet song.
Isabelle got a "Planet Frog" habitat. It is like the butterfly habitat we got her for Christmas. We send away for leopard frog tadpoles, and we get to watch them grow up!
Yes, sometimes we get them toys that are just for fun (kids gotta play!) but we try hard to enrich them when we can. With Isabelle, we pulled all the stops, reading to her constantly, exposing her to letters, colors, shapes while she was still a baby: She knew the whole alphabet at 18 months, thank you very much.
With Lorelei, things are a little different...the second child sometimes gets the short end of the stick. But she is learning, late or not, and that's all that matters.
Sunflowers are so happy-looking...but the one on the end, the one that fell a few days ago, looks like it's giving up the ghost. Or maybe the goldfinches are just being brutal.
This is Aidan, son of our very good friends Mike and Kim. Aidan is three now. Where does the time go? (The cake was made of ice cream...yum)