Tuesday, July 25, 2006

For those of you who DON'T read Geoff's blog...

...you don't know what you are missing! That man cracks me up!


LauraHinNJ said...

I'll comment here, because your DH doesn't seem to respond to comments. AHEM.

Better him than me. Or you than me. Glad to not have to deal with the birds and bees questions.

I'd guess that kids don't really know what they're asking about, they only know that it is something IMPORTANT. The longer parents can keep the blinders on them, the better off everybody is, right?

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...


Anonymous said...

In reference to Laura's post, I am really bad at replying to comments, and I'm sorry about that. I'm lucky enough to be organized enough to have an almost-daily blog, let alone reply to people (though I know it comes off as rude, and I don't mean to). On that particular post, at any rate, comments aren't being taken. Long, complicated, uninteresting technical reason for why that is.

Susan Gets Native said...

I'll tell you why he took off comments on that one...because when I commented, I used the word "penis". See, he can't even READ the word without getting all weird.