Saturday, September 30, 2006
So tired...
I did a program today at Chilo Lock #34 Park way far away, down the old O-Hi-O.
I drove over 200 miles today.
I am going to check out everyone else's blog and post tomorrow.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Sweet Mother Mary, he has a blog
I must be high.
Jim, my oh-so-weird father in law, has a BLOG. And it has been registered since 2004.
2004? A year before I started mine?
All the times I have told him, beseeched him, begged him to get his OWN blog, and he's always had it? What a stinker.
You know, there will be no living with him now. You know that, don't you?
14 Things you may not know about moi
1. My maiden name is Susan Kay Kailholz. (and no one could ever spell it...thank goodness Geoff's name was Williams)
2. I am totally addicted to a show targeted at teenagers: Degrassi: The Next Generation.
3. I can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order.
4. I can say " Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" backwards. (You know, from Mary Poppins?)
5. I was born a little bit premature and I have a hole in my back where my spine didn't fuse.
6. I have Gone With The Wind memorized. (the movie, not the book)
7. My favorite color is green...not that you could tell from my blog or anything.
8. I was in a pageant once.
9. My first car was a 1981 Chrysler Cordoba. (With fine, Corinthian leather....) And it had T-tops...I was so cool.
10. I can play the alto sax.
11. I was in accelerated education in grade school...someone actually thought I was "gifted". That ended in high school.
12. I don't like vegatables.
13. Geoff and I honeymooned in Great Britain.
14. I am an ex-big haired, rock 'n' roll concert-goin', head-bangin' chick.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
He's gettin' there...

Hero of the Year
I met Mona Rutger up at Crane Creek in northern Ohio during our annual bird trip. She and her husband Bill run Back to the Wild, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and care of injured wildlife. They do a great presentation every year on International Migratory Bird Day at Magee Marsh with raptors...bald eagles, golden eagles, all kinds of hawks and owls. When I met her, one of her volunteers had just brought in a great horned owl nestling a birder had found off the bird trail. I came away from the meeting thinking that this woman was intelligent, dedicated and just a nice person. I thought, "What a cool job. I wish I could do that."
And look at me now!
So...go to Animal Planet's website and check out the finalists. And I would consider it a personal favor if you vote for Mona. (she is in the lead right now!)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A visit to the vet And 100 Mile Birds

The aisle between mews for the program birds.

This came in the mail today. Boomer's first mail!
Wendi, who frequents this blog and occasionally leaves very awesome comments, was cooking up a batch of doggie cookies for Chet Baker and asked me if Boomer would like some, too.
What a sweet gal. Thanks, Wendi! The dogs LOVE them. If you give me the recipe, I would like to post it here.
It was time to visit the vet with Boomer. He didn't seem to be gaining much weight after a week of decadence.
I so love this dog. He was as calm at the vet as he is at home.
Stats: No tapeworm, as far as we know.
He now weighs 22 pounds, up from 19 pounds last week. Not bad, but not good enough.
He was dewormed again with a broad spectrum dewormer, given his first heartworm preventative and is to return in 2 weeks for another weight check and vaccines. He is close to the dividing line of dosages in reference to poundage, so we have to wait for his weight.
I swear, I try to get smiley face pictures of this dog. But...this is how he looks a lot of the time. He gets happy and bouncy when we come home, come out of the bathroom, lay on the floor. But get food out and it's Mr. Pitiful Face. I just know he has been beaten and/or neglected. He is "head shy", so we treat his head and face gently as we kiss and chew. I was carrying a stick out of Isabelle's room (from a wall map that fell) and Boomer saw the stick and hit the floor, cowering.
Ever want to clobber someone with a skillet? I wish I knew who threw this boy away.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Instead of bats in the belfry...

(I didn't get photos of today's owl...too busy wrestling it and trying to convince it that I was there to help)
Aren't they just striking? They look all cuddly and sweet, but let me just tell ya...they are still PREDATORS.
I couldn't get hold of any of our rehabbers at first...two are in Europe, one was in Columbus, and the others didn't answer their phones.
I finally did get hold of one, but by that time I was home. So I will take it to RAPTOR tomorrow morning after it spends the night in our nice, dark garage. No will be fine.
When I drop it off, I will try to get photos.
Monday, September 25, 2006
A walk in the woods with Boomer, and a glimpse of Eden

They will all be gone soon, but this monarch gave us a nice moment as it rested on its way south.
I was tired as we came home, and I started to clean the living room and stack up laundry. I saw that Geoff had brought in the mail, so I browsed through the pile. At the bottom was the thing that has had my heart singing out loud all afternoon:

And not only did Julie inscribe it, but Chet made his mark, too!
Don't you just LOVE Julie?
Boomer has dibs on the book after I am done with it.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Baby Boomer, Meeting Nona and Grandpa
Boomer had no trouble relaxing at Jim and Rita's. The poor guy sleeps like he has never slept before now. Jim had a good point that when you are out in the wild, it's harder to get a good night's sleep at all. Boomer seems to be making up for lost time.

Oooh...I loves me some Boston Terrier!

He found a stuffed badger (I tell ya, Jim has a thing for weird animals...once, when Isabelle was a baby, he gave her "Baby's First Weasel"). I felt shades of Chet as I watched him try to remove the stuffing.

He also found one of Roxy's rawhides. He was enjoying it immensely, but I had to take it away, because he was way too possessive of it. But to his credit, he didn't give me any grief when I took it.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Warning: Cute dog and bird faces
Boomer looks like a puppy here. Couldn't you just chew on his jowls?
Since I consider this a birding blog, I thought I would add a picture of Lucy from a four-hour program at the Cincinnati Nature Center today.

5 birds...whew!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Boomer meets Grandma and Bailey, Swallowtail caterpillar

When food is present, Boomer has this adorable way of blowing drool bubbles.
Look how scrawny he is. But I bought some yummy fattening treats and some bacon-flavored gravy to pour on his food. He approves. And today, he got a bath and he is a little shinier, a little smoother.

I took him to the RAPTOR board meeting with me, 1. To show him off and 2. to show him off.
And he fell asleep in Lorelei's car seat on the way home.
This must be how he survived on his own. Aside from blowing drool bubbles when food is around, he also hits the floor and has this endearing way of looking pitiful. Who wouldn't feed that?

I found a great caterpillar in the dill yesterday and showed it to Isabelle when she got home from school. She was so enchanted, I got choked up. My girl is full of such wonder, and gentleness. To use an Isabelle-ism, "I do so love her!"

Last night, driving to a program, I saw a sun dog. I didn't get a pic, since I was going about 70 mph, but if you want to see a well-done pic of a sun dog, go to Bill's blog.
And by the way, I rocked yet again last night, presenting to a group of 50 Cub Scouts and their parents. To use a phrase of Birdchick's:
Just to give you something to read
I will be at my Mom's today, so hopefully by this evening I will be able to upload photos.
There's a lot to post about:
Sun dogs
and Boomer
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
They shall call him Boomer, Part Deux