Friday, September 29, 2006

Sweet Mother Mary, he has a blog

I don't believe it.
I must be high.

Jim, my oh-so-weird father in law, has a BLOG. And it has been registered since 2004.
2004? A year before I started mine?

All the times I have told him, beseeched him, begged him to get his OWN blog, and he's always had it? What a stinker.

You know, there will be no living with him now. You know that, don't you?


LauraHinNJ said...

Hmmm, off to have a look and a laugh.

The Swami said...

The link takes you to the page of the old Oct 2004 Blogger blog. Somehow that is mixed up with the new beta Blogger page I had to create. I must call upon my blogging mentor when she stops by with her two young assistants. In the meantime, it appears there is a missing, that is not an invitation to some wise comments.

The Swami said...

The missing link is no longer missing. I think my trusty accomplice helped me. And, yes I know, I'm certainly in need of help.