Friday, June 30, 2006
Piece of my past circa 1976

Mish-mash of stuff from my Friday

If not for Phoebe, Julie Zickefoose's daughter, I would not have looked at this Cheeto twice. But when I pulled it out of the bag, it reminded me of a Y chromosome.
See? You never know what level of entertainment you will get here on
Susan Gets Native!

(And I'm sure you recognize Lucy, the Peregrine Falcon, by now!)

Isabelle has a thing for pet carriers. She used to crawl into Roxy's carrier (that's my in-laws' dog) and today she realized that she fit into Bailey's carrier (that's my Mom's dog). It freaks Rita out to see one of her precious granddaughters in a cage. Please don't call Children's Services. We let her out. Eventually.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Roses, dogs and snakes

The newest library card holder
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Good news about Whooping Cranes
Susan Gets Native again!
Note: These plants took a ride in my trunk, so they look a little lopsided)

This is a Salvia (can't remember the type). I got two of them.

Monday, June 26, 2006
Happy Fledging Day!

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Falconry 101

Blood is thicker than spaghetti sauce
Then it was time for water balloons. Tip on filling up water balloons: Fill them up all the way, or they will just bounce off and not break. Geoff and I both filled up half of the balloons each, and I am proud to say that MINE burst just fine. (Geoff's just hurt the kids.)

It's at a church on I-75 near Middletown, and it just reeks. All of you who know me personally are aware that I don't subscribe to any religion, so I have no qualms in saying that this Jesus is awful. The story is that it started out much smaller, but this church doesn't do anything small. So it grew and grew. And now it's just obscene. It's not even artistically pleasing...the dimensions are unbalanced, like his hands are way too big, and his arms are grossly malformed. The cross in front of him is pitifully small compared to the rest of him. And to top it off, at night two yellow lights come on under the fountains and it looks for all the world like he is urinating.
(I can sense some of you pulling away...come on back.)
I appreciate a good Jesus statue as much as the next person. But this is not one of them.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A day worth noting
A bird in the hand...

Now, the smaller birds are light and don't grip very tightly. This is how tightly Lucy grips: With one of your hands, grab your other arm and squeeze hard. That's a Lucy grip. And boy, was she heavy. A screech owl weighs about as much as a TV remote. Lucy feels like a big cat hanging on your arm. She is one of the easier birds to handle (so far) because I didn't have to chase her around the mew to get her on my glove. If you calmly approach her, she will step up onto your gloved hand. Looking at the above picture, you can see that my arm has dropped from the correct 45 degree angle to one that would encourage her to climb higher, as in up my arm, which is not protected. Guess I better hit the gym and do some weights.
This has been such a blast so far. I heart RAPTOR!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Gratuitous rat cuteness

This one is grooming me...a big honor in the rat world.

It's nearly impossible to tell these two apart, except that one is slightly darker than the other. Other than that, they are identical. They are also both girls.
They are so cute, I don't know if I will be able to come up with names to do them justice.
Any thoughts?
Thursday, June 22, 2006
What bird nest mites look like

My Thursday
I didn't realize I would get such a neat shot here. Far left, the mama TRES is removing a fecal sac from the nest. (A fecal sac is a tough membrane containing the waste material of the chicks. The parents remove them from the nest and carry them far away from the nesting site so as not to alert predators.) Directly to the left of the gourd is another tree swallow...but not the papa tree swallow. There was another pair checking out the gourd today. I can't believe that I got both of them on film.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Why we do nest checks

Five tree swallow chicks. I kept counting them...were there 6 before? I couldn't remember how many eggs there had been. As I was emptying the old nest far away from the pole, I found number 6... it had been dead maybe a day or so. It was at the same level of development as the others, but smaller. No picture...it was too sad.

In a wilder setting, maybe these chicks would have made it without intervention. And maybe not. As long as we put up nest boxes, we also are putting ourselves to the responsibility of intervening when needed. Obviously the smallest chick would succumb to mites first, but I'm not willing (or able) to sit back and see if the rest could survive.
After getting the nest raised, I hustled to the house, threw my clothes into the washer and took the hottest shower I could stand.
It's been about 2 hours and I'm still itchy.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Miscellaneous Tuesday

Nellie did NOT want a tiger lily behind her ear.

Nellie is such a chicken. See her looking up in the air? The tree swallows were hunting, and "big dumb dog" burgers are on the menu.