My first Taylor pork roll...it's a Jersey thing. Laura-The-Local was unable to tell me exactly where the meat comes from, but I tried it anyway...with Laura's recommendation of "salt, pepper, ketchup". She says it's to hide the taste of the meat. Well, then. Why have meat at all?
It was good, by the way. In a preschooler-taste sort of way. Kathi would have loved it. (she has a taste for food similar to a 4 year old)
Lynne, Delia and I went to Sunset Beach to look for Cape May "Diamonds", aka tumbled, clear quartz stones. Sunset Beach is unique in that it faces Delaware Bay and doesn't get the high fierce waves that the other beaches do, presumably.

If my knees could have taken it, I would still be there, digging through the rocks.
We were also on the lookout for all the critters I had found the day before (hermit crabs, etc.)
I still don't have a name for these guys:

This shrimpy-crabby-thing was too cute. So I ate him.
And really, any time I get to spend with Delia is a good time.

I'm very proud of the way she has hit the ground running, kicking a** and taking names. This is her new ride. Suh-weet.
I was thoroughly impressed that Lynne found a stuffed turkey vulture. I think she named it Earl.

Had to do the "bird presentation" pose with the thing...with Delia and Jay helping (love the bunny ears)
That stupid black snake kept us riveted...since there weren't any birds to watch.
In this pic, Jay has just nudged the snake to get its gander up...and Jay looks as if he is about to break into a RiverDance.

(If you are wondering why I am linking the BirdJam website repeatedly...well, Jay informed us that he has a set up with Google (that anyone can get, if they really really want to) that tells them when anyone is linking to BirdJam. Ever Googled your blog? It's amazing where it can pop up. So whenever I mention Jay...or BirdJam...or iPods...or whatever...it's gonna get back to him.
Hi, Jay!!!!! Just holding up my end of the bargain!
(I am so kidding. There was no trading of "goods".)
One of the memories that keeps bubbling to the surface...
I can't believe I am posting this.
At the C-View on Saturday, we all got together to bond, eat and drink. I had made a pledge that I would get a corporate sponsor for my blog and bought a low-cut shirt just for that purpose. It would be my "Sponsorship Shirt".
Since my "girls" are out there enough to knock over nearby lamps, I thought it would be easy. But either everyone was too drunk or my shirt wasn't cut low enough, because I got zero sponsorships.
But I found a new way to use the boobage (must have been the Amaretto Sours talking).
Kathi had brought buckeyes for everyone, perhaps to increase the OSU mojo (nothing says "I care" like a gift of poisonous nut) and my cleavage was a perfect resting place for MY buckeye.

(Self-Edit...Due to the uncomfortable squirming of my husband, I have edited this photo...but I couldn't just take it all the way off the post. It's too funny)
And contrary to others' claims, I did NOT try to crack it.