Yet again, a flower I am clueless about. This one was growing in a pot of cattails I got for the marsh. Now they are blooming and gorgeous. They seem to like all the moist soil in the marsh.
The flowers have a "beard" if that's the word for it.
(and to beat my FIL to the punch {line}, I don't think they are members of the Flower Protection Program)
***I have a feeling that Laura will come through on this one...it's nice to know a master (mistress?) gardener.***
It is a juvenile, with a streaked breast like a female house finch, with a long tail that had light (maybe yellow, maybe white) outer tail feathers. And there was more than one, but this is the one I could see the best. When I saw it, I first thought "Vireo" but none of the vireos in my book really match.
Other than the mystery bird, we saw Carolina chickadees, American goldfinches, a turkey vulture, Carolina wrens, Tufted titmice and we heard a pileated woodpecker. I knew there were more birds, hearing calls that I couldn't place. But the girls were not about to break their record of always messing up my birding.
So I'm going to call him Steel, and no one can stop me.
"Check please!"
I stopped to get fuel, and realized that I didn't have my wallet. I called Geoff and told him I would drive as far as I could until I could get to a gas station near home. My car has this neat sensor that tells you how many miles you have until empty. Well, it fluctuated between zero and five for a while, so I stopped and Geoff brought me some money. I feel dumb...I never do this.
After the gas incident, I stopped to get lunch for us, and while waiting in the drive thru at Arby's, I saw this "Assassin/stink/whatever" bug hanging out on the sign. I guess he wanted some potato cakes.
The two fawns and two adults showed up later in Mom's back yard, where she has a trough and scratch for the deer and turkeys. It was interesting to see a fawn this big and still sporting spots. (Nice alliteration, Susan. Gee, thanks!)
This tree has been near the pond as long as I can remember, and has fascinated me as long, too. This time of year, the thorns (which are easily 3-4 inches long) turn blood red, and can give you serious thoughts of what they could do to you if you weren't paying attention. I used to play near this tree, and once got a thorn stuck in the back of my thigh. The tip broke off in my skin, and it took days of "drawing" salve to get it out. Still love the tree, though.
I got the pleasure of getting the bejesus scared out of me by a green heron as I walked into the tangle around the pond. My Mom is so lucky to live where she does. She has open field, a forest, a pond and a creek. You never know what you will see.
Oooh...one of my favorite things: A wedding present from Jim's cousin, Phyllis. There's a great store around here called "A Show of Hands" which sells local artist's work. This is a solid glass paperweight with glittery sand blown into it. When I sit it in front of a light, it throws a beam for a foot or more.
I haven't been birding for long, so my collection of bird "sit-abouts" is small. The big white thing in the back is something Shannon found in her rafters left by a previous owner. It looks like an ostrich egg, but it doesn't feel like one. (She also found animal pelts...the guy was weird)
The photo on the left is my favorite of Mom and Dad.
When is this dog ever going to learn how to RELAX?
Poor Nellie: She has yearly allergy issues, every August-October. We show up at the vet like clockwork, the same time every year for steroid injections and pills and antihistamine. We took her 2 weeks ago because it was just starting, thinking we would nip it in the bud before it got worse. But the same thing happens every year...she scratches and rubs her face until her eyes are bald, like above. And today, as I was wiping her eyes, I noticed that they were bleeding and draining pus. So she got more high power steroids and eye drops and more pills. She also chewed her leg raw and there's a bald spot near the top of her head.
She gets better after the first frost.
Something else I noticed about Nellie today...she has always had a white chin, I guess from her checkered pedigree. But today I saw just how gray her upper lip is getting. She's going to be 6 on November 13, still not "old", but her fur is showing that she's not a puppy, either.
Do I care that there is a whole lotta bird poop up there? Nope.
Cosmos in the dark.
Why do I take so many pictures of the cosmos? Because that's about the only thing blooming in the yard right now.
Yep, that's Chet Baker.
Since we were in the area that Bill and Julie live, they were gracious enough to let us come by and meet them. And Chet was home from his stay at the vet, and in fine form.
I came bearing gifts for Chet, like this "Heave a Beaver" frisbee. He approved.