Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Crouching tiger, barking daughter
Lorelei didn't go to school today, for all the Halloween festivities. Instead she went to the doctor. After a night of coughing while Geoff held her, she was actually barking this morning.
She has croup.
She wasn't leaving the house today without wearing her costume, and I was in no position to argue. So she went to the pediatrician's office as a princess.
Isabelle had a great time at school, dressed as Ariel. But how's this for creepy: The preschool is part of a church and today the church held a funeral for one of their members. *insert creepy organ music here*
My costume? A T-shirt that reads, "This IS my costume."
Geoff took the girls out in the neighborhood to trick or treat, wrapped in blankets. It's a bit rainy and cool, so they didn't stay out long. Lorelei fell asleep in the wagon, so we tossed her into bed as soon as they got back.
Other current events:
Geoff is still working on final revisions of his book. But it's actually already listed on Amazon Canada and available for pre-ordering! It's not even printed yet!
Yesterday I had the pleasure of experiencing an endoscopy. (I tried to get still photos of my stomach insides, but the doctor needed them for my chart...killjoy. I TOLD him I had a blog!)
I have had tummy troubles for about 5 months now, and the first procedure I had was an upper GI ultrasound which was negative. Then the endoscopy, which was also negative. And guess what I get to go through now, kids? That's right! A colonoscopy!
Having an endoscopy is really not a big deal. This is what I had to do: Eat and drink nothing after midnight before the procedure. Go in, get an IV, get some really NICE drugs, and I only remember having to swallow a few times as the scope went down my throat. I was so high, I didn't even care.
Hopefully the colonoscopy is just as pleasant. I won't be able to eat anything solid for 2 days before, and will have a lovely dose of laxatives (yummy) the day before.
Now, aren't you glad you read my blog?
And to answer the question burning in everyone's mind right now:
Will I be posting pictures of my colon?
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
Monday, October 30, 2006

Okay, since Blogger is still in a drunken stupor, I have to post pics through Picasa Hello. Yesterday we had a party for Isabelle. She had requested an ice cream cake, and here she is blowing out the one candle I could find....(I forgot to buy a "5" candle!)
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Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the ice cream cake...even the diabetics in the crowd. From left to right: Rachel, Kevin (Geoff's brother and Rachel's boyfriend), Jim (aka The Yak Herder, also Geoff's Dad), Rita, (Swamette..also Geoff's Mom), My Mom, Lorelei, Mary Lou (my cousin), and the orange shirt sleeves belong to another cousin, Nancy.
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My Mom found the perfect Ariel (The Little Mermaid, for those with no little kids) outfit and wig. This is about as girly as Isabelle gets. She originally wanted to be a dinosaur, fire fighter, astronaut, etc... But she settled on Ariel because we have been watching the damn movie every day since we got it.
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Introducing Helen

Helen is sure to become one of my regular program birds. One, she needs the exercise! And two, she is so much easier to handle than our other two Red-tailed HELLIONS, Two Socks and Scarlet.

We were so lucky to be at RAPTOR this morning, because Jeff brought in an injured red-tailed hawk that had been hit by a car. Here, Marilyn examines the bird as Jeff holds. The exam showed a cracked cere (that part of the beak around the nostrils) and maybe a concussion.

Katherine, Jeff's daughter, looks on as her Daddy manhandles the scared, hurt birdie. This guy has forgotten more than I will ever learn about birds of prey. And he is fearless. He handles the birds like his hands are made of steel. I'm surprised he was wearing gloves today!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Gyrfalcon and cuteness on the loose!
Please keep a lookout for a Gyrfalcon that was lost yesterday by a falconer in Verona, Ky. (Boone County).
Last seen at Route 16 and Route 2850 in downtown Verona.
The Gyrfalcon does have jesses on.
Any sightings, please call the falconer Paul Bronc at ***(email me: capricorn1273@cinci.rr.com I didn't think the guy would like his phone number out there) right away.

Be sure to check back here tomorrow night, oh loyal readers.
We have a new program bird, and I am taking the girls with me in the morning to meet her. So I will be taking a million photos, and hopefully will get some pics of her on my glove.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
There's always hope...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A birdy day, and I didn't have to go anywhere!
The neighborhood bullies (the Blue Jays) cleaned up the peanuts I spilled in the mulch. Have you ever watched a jay stuff about a zillion peanuts in their throats to carry off and cache? Those big mouths aren't just for jabbering!
Sad for the feeder birds, great for the raptors:
A pile of mourning dove feathers...Geoff and I were alerted to a cooper's hawk flying over yesterday by its call, and I guess it got lucky...and perched in our crabapple tree, leisurely plucking a fresh, warm dove.
Yay! Raptor food!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Another 100 mile day...but worth it.

Our cute little gray screech owl. She doesn't have a name. And the red one doesn't either, for that matter.
We could have a naming contest. Hmm...what do I have to offer as a prize?

"I am not amused."
Yeah, no kidding. Can anyone honestly say that they have seen a HAPPY owl?
They seem to have two emotions:
Monday, October 23, 2006
Happy Blog Anniversary to ME .....

Isabelle FINALLY got her tadpoles. We ordered them months ago, but there are certain weather requirements that have to be met before the company will ship the little guys. The summer was just too hot for them to have survived, so we got them now.

Sunday, October 22, 2006
It's that time of year again...
Oh, what a disturbing store. This refrigerator was stocked with body parts. Like fresh Leg, heart, hands. But the "food" labels were funny. The leg was labeled "Cannibal Meat Market...naturally flavored leg". Eeewww.
How's this for an ego boost? Lorelei threw her arms around this skeleton bride and said "Mommy!". Oh, dear.
And since this is a birding blog, I thought I would add a photo of some birds feeding.
Like vultures feeding on a freshly dead man.
Aren't you glad you stopped by?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Because sometimes you just need a giant fez

And they have finally shown up, but they don't come too close.
I guess I should figure out what they would like to eat.

Take my word for it when I say that the bird in this photo is one of the kinglets.

Down the street from RAPTOR is this old Shriner's float.
Because sometimes you just need a giant fez.

Friday, October 20, 2006
Glenn Joseph Kailholz July 11, 1938-October 19, 2004

They lived on a working farm in Western Hills, a suburb of Cincinnati. Nowadays, it's all shopping plazas and pizza joints and medical buildings, but in 1938, it was small and intimate and pretty rural.
The farm had pigs, cows, my grandfather's homing pigeons and crops like corn and veggies.
My dad had chores to do before school every day. He only wore shoes during the school year, and would be barefoot all summer (best to save money for shoes during school time).
What they had, they worked for. What they didn't have, they did without.
Dad went to West High, but didn't graduate. He got a GED at night school, before joining the Army. He was stationed in Korea right after the Korean War, and just before the Vietnam War. He had a photo album of photos he took and developed while stationed there (he wanted to be a photographer). He made the mistake of telling my brother and me that to get out of unpleasant duty, he would go get a haircut for a quarter. (We used that against him more than once!)
He met Mom (Alice Eileen Vieth) around 1964, but they didn't get married until 1969, 6 months before my brother Steve was born. Ahem.
They lived in Western Hills until Steve was one, then moved to Bright, Indiana. They welcomed me into the family in 1973.
Dad worked his way up at an industrial heating/cooling company until he eventually owned it with a partner. His work ethic: Get it done right. Work hard.
My Dad vowed, after my Mom and he got married, that he would never dance again. I got him to break that promise twice. Once, at the wedding of a friend, while I was still small enough to stand on his shoes, and again at my wedding. We danced to a song called "My Daughter's a Bride".
He was the kind of father who could fix anything and he passed down to me mechanical know-how and the genes to let my brain understand machines, engines. He once saved a family of mourning doves who had been blown out of a tree and made them a new nest from a milk jug. He said that he didn't like cats, but we would catch him talking to and playing with my cats early in the morning when he thought we were all still asleep.
In September 2004, he was diagnosed with leukemia. It was discovered after his blood sugar got out of control (he was a Type II diabetic).
He began chemo in early October.
A month later, he was gone.
Turns out that he had had a mild heart attack in the remote past, which was found as he was getting worked up for the chemo. As far as we can gather, he chose not to deal with any heart issues before starting the chemo, and the doctor respected his wishes, but thought that Dad would make it through the chemo okay.
The night he died, Mom took him to the ER after he started a high fever and didn't feel right. The hospital told Mom to go home and come back in the morning. Just as she was drifting off to sleep, they called and told her to come back immediately.
He was in cardiac trouble when she got there with my brother, and she called me and told me to come right away. This was at 2:20 am. I was out of the house in 3 minutes. Dad died while I was driving to the hospital. At 2:25 am.
I went in to say goodbye, kissed him on the forehead.
I've gone through all the stages of grief, like denial, anger, sorrow...but I am still pissed.
He was 66 years old. Not nearly enough time for us, for him.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
It was supposed to be a day of reflection

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Mariemont Strand. What is this, a place to get stranded?
A dumb ass guy on a motorcycle, with no helmet and wearing freakin' sandals. Now, I have been on enough motorcycles to know why you need to wear boots or at least SOCKS. Those exhaust pipes are HOT!
I need to write a letter...if you want to own and operate a street bike, you should have to be able to pass an IQ test. Ever notice how many bike riders (not bikers, that is a different breed altogether) are complete morons? Passing in between lanes going about 120 mph? The guys I see with the leather, the boots, the helmets...now THEY deserve to ride a motorcycle.
Okay, rant over.

After the RAPTOR meeting tonight, I was yet again serenaded by Junior. His hoot is so beautifully deep, and his white throat patch flutters when he hoots. What a cute bird. At least I know he isn't going to come too close to me in the dark...unless I happen to be holding a big, juicy rat.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Invasion of the Mind Snatchers (otherwise known as blogging)

One of the dogs' favorite pastimes...chewing each other's faces.