Another tradition is the "Open Curtains". The first year I came out here, I took a picture of my tiny hotel room, and Swami, my ever-vigilant father-in-law commented on the curtains.
I took a picture last year, too.
This year, I continue the tradition:

(I'm on the second floor, just as I always am. Nothing out there to peer in, except....)
While unloading my car, I heard some killdeer. And some spring peepers. Then some sounds that I have only heard on bird websites...WOODCOCKS!
(Whistling and 'peenting', the males show their stuff to the females as they perform aerial displays. )
This video didn't pick up a lot of 'peents' but if you listen closely, you might be able to hear some of the whistles and a few peents:
From what I have read, the dusk displays last about 30-40 minutes, while the dawn displays can last for an hour. Maybe I will get up early and listen for them. Or maybe I won't.
It's quiet out there now. I guess they are all having sex down in the mud.
Am I seeing things--do those drapes not even meet in the middle.
Nothing like a small abandoned feeling hotel room to help lull you to sleep. . .or not.
Hope your night is/was peaceful.
I needed a smile..reading your comment about having sex in the mud provided it..thank you...
LOL about sex in the woods!!! I can't believe you could hear the woodcocks and saw killdeer. Two birds I have yet to see to put on my list! I am going to have to start searching woods around dusk apparantly.
Enjoy the trip!
Sex down in the mud sounds very earthy! Only you would think of posting that thought! I hope you have fun and I hope you get to see a woodcock, aka, "Timberdoodle!"
I forgot to listen tonight! I'm determined to at least here them...
I heard your peepers. Isn't this great?
I'm sure you had a fabbo time :o)
Ohhh...I daydreamed of being at the Amish Birding Symposium as I worked, and worked yesterday. Sigh....
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