When this greets you when you walk out the door, first thing in the morning, you get the feeling that your day will be bright:

One of our neighborhood red-shouldered hawks was patiently waiting in a tree when I walked out to take Lorelei to school. It took off just as I processed what I was seeing. I stepped back in for less than 30 seconds, to get Lorelei's school bag, and when I stepped back out, it was back. It was a chilly morning, maybe 30 degrees, and the hawk was nicely fluffed out, and surely hungry. I hope, when we left, it got a nice meal.

Come back, live long and prosper!
It's that time of year again....to make the now famous Zick Dough. Here's the recipe:
1 cup flour
2 cups yellow corn meal
2 cups quick oats
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup lard
Mix dry ingredients and set aside. Melt peanut butter and lard in large bowl (use the microwave and save yourself the stinky smell!). Gradually stir in dry mixture and allow to cool. Serve by the handful in a shallow dish.
*This recipe can be doubled, tripled, etc. It goes fast, so make a lot at once!*
Birds I have seen eating Zick Dough:
Carolina chickadees
Tufted titmice
Northern cardinals
Carolina wrens
White breasted nuthatches
Downy woodpeckers
Red bellied woodpeckers
Hairy woodpeckers
Dark-eyed juncos
White-throated sparrows
White-crowned sparrows
Starlings (of course)
Blue jays
Common grackles
Mourning doves (our pet Eurasian dove likes it too!)
I'm sure there are more birds out there who love it.
If you haven't tried this, do it now. The birds will thank you.
Like this little guy:

"Thanks for the good stuff...and by the way. Do you have any spare tweezers? These eyebrows are getting out of hand."
The search for a bald eagle, spotted today at the Gravel Pits!
OH! Other local bird news...a hummingbird has been spotted at a local feeder! Sounds like it is a rufous, but the lighting has been bad for the viewers. How about that? A hummer in November?
The search for a bald eagle, spotted today at the Gravel Pits!
OH! Other local bird news...a hummingbird has been spotted at a local feeder! Sounds like it is a rufous, but the lighting has been bad for the viewers. How about that? A hummer in November?
Good luck with that bald Suzan.
What a grand way to start the day!
I am feeling a bit of hawk envy. WE don't get any other than Cooper's in our garden. RSHA is not often seen in my area.
Good luck with seeing the BAEA.
What a way to start the day! Lucky you.
Looks like I won't be getting through the winter without trying Zick dough. When my cakes run out, I'll try it.
I hope you get the Bald Eagle today, Susan!
Hummingbirds in November. Great dream.
Thanks for the reminder Susan. I so need to make some Zick dough!
Nice way to start the day! Funny you should post that recipe, I *just* shared it with my friend, Jo, in an e-mail right before I clicked on your post.
I always love seeing Red-shouldered Hawks and wish they would be waiting for me at the door! Normally the only time I have them around the house is when they are displaying in the spring! Congrats!
Oy vey, the lard....
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