I saw the bald eagle. But my photos are horrible.
What is wrong with my camera?????
What is wrong with my camera?????
I also got a lifer...Jason, a fellow Flickr user. He lives over in the next town and I have admired his photos for a long time. Go check them out...definitely drool-worthy. He got GREAT photos, with his arm-long lens. Damn. What's wrong with my camera????? It focuses on sh*t I don't want it to focus on!
When I got home, this was waiting on the fence in the front yard:

Cool! But even better was the other red-shouldered hawk sitting in a tree on the other side of the yard:

Two at one time?

Is it me, or do red-shouldereds look softer than other hawks? Sweeter? I would LOVE to work with one at RAPTOR. Maybe soon. Maybe not.
I have been keeping an eye out for bands. A few RAPTORites are part of a study of red-shouldered hawks living in residential areas, and they have banded quite a few RS around here. Click here to see what it takes to call in red-shouldered hawks.
Barn Owl update:
The barn owl at RAPTOR has a vet appointment tomorrow to take one more peek at his wing, and to maybe get some jesses on him so we can start training.

I can't wait.
For those of you who are new to the blog...this bird is unofficially called "No-No". If he feels threatened, he raises his wings and lowers his head and shakes it back and forth...no-no, no-no, no-no.... very cute.
It has taken months to get his wing (skin sheared off by a gutter or downspout) to heal. He is a bit batty, ripping at his bandages constantly, but it is finally healed....Cindy joked that he must be part Cooper's hawk (a rather crazy species).
There is nothing wrong with your camera! I SEE the Bald Eagle!!!!! (I admit to cursing my camera, too...)
And you have great photos of the Red-Shouldered Hawks - I love them - they're so vocal.
"No No" - LOL! God, I love your commentaries.
Good day, Susan!
I see the baldie too! And WOW two RS at once. Cool!
Beautiful barn owl...
Congrats on seeing the Bald Eagle! That must have been totally exciting!
Hope you get to work with No-No soon!
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