Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sweet Mother of God...

...kill me now.

I've had three glasses of this nectar of Satan.
Flavor packs, my Aunt Fanny.
It tastes like soapy salt water.


Mary said...

Susan, you have my sincere sympathy. This is the worst of it. Tomorrow at this time, you'll be singing!

NatureWoman said...

Oh my, that has to be nasty to drink - I'm feeling for you. What are the ingredients in this stuff?

The Swami said...

I believe you mentioned in your previous post that the stuff you have to drink is called Trilyte. You were joking weren't you?

Isn't that the product that was mentioned on the news where the company had accidentally bottled a mixture of bilge water and curdled yak milk and mis-labeled it as Trilyte?

Just being helpful as always.

Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hang on Susan-
The worst is "behind" you...really!

Dave Dorsey said...

I hope your enjoying everyones humor at your expense. My wife has to have one every other year due to family medical history. Her doctor has her mix it in 7 UP.