Wednesday, July 01, 2009

You might be a nature nerd...

I'm guilty of most of these things. And proud of it. Members of my family actually make fun of what I do, but I could really not give a flippin' fig.

I am part of a community of people who care. Caring takes a lot of effort and reaps huge rewards.

Bite me, "cool people"!

(From The Nature Lady...thanks Betsy, for sending this link!)



Heather said...

Thanks for that Susan. I love being a nerd!

Shelly Cox said...

I had to laugh when I read this one. All I can say is "go nature nerds!" I look back on my childhood and I most definitely did some "nerdy" things. Rescuing bats in the middle of the day (yikes...rabies, like I gave that a thought at 10 years old). starting an all out rescue mission for a family of wood ducks. Keeping caterpillars in a fish tank in my bedroom...oh yea, nerd for sure, and proud of it!

NatureWoman said...

LOL! This is great - yup, I am a major nature nerd, too, and I'm proud of it!! Let 'em all make fun of you - you're having a blast!