The 2008 version of "Call Of The Wild". Hooper always looks wild and crazy when he and Nellie play...but he's just mouthy.

One, two...cha cha cha....

You totally have to click on this one...I caught 'wren tongue action'!

It snowed for about 12 hours today. The birds were frantic and didn't care that I was right up against the window snapping away. And everyone was dusted with snow.

I let out a Tarzan yell when I saw this starling dangling from one foot.
Later, while cooking dinner (and the ONLY time I didn't have my camera all day) I caught movement out the back window....it was a red-shouldered hawk carrying off one of the starlings. I almost wish I hadn't seen it. That's one that got away.
Check out that fabulous focus!
Love the wren tongue.
Your photos are fantastic, Susan! You must be in heaven with that new camera.
Well you can call me crazy if you want, but I'm damned jealous of your snow!
And here's a "you suck", right back atcha.
I had a Cooper's Hawk grab a starling right outside the dining room window a couple weeks ago. That was pretty amazing! (the starlings have been making themselves pretty scarce since then)
It looks like you guys have almost as much snow as we've got here in Minnesota (but less than 2 weeks till spring--according to your "ticker")
It is *so* good to see your wonderful photos again! I'm very happy for you with your new camera. Hey, could you take a photo in the mirror of yourself taking the photo so I can see your actual camera (yeah, yeah, I looked at the web).
Susan . . . about time they replace your camera! And good choice with a sony! They rock for sure and can't wait to see what photos you will be capturing!
My kids are driving me crazy -- so I'm fed-exing them to you. I paid for Saturday delivery. They should be there by 10:30 am. They need to play in the snow but I suspect that food, water, and potty breaks would be appreciated as well. No rush to send them back. :)
Nice Pix's girl!
Susan, we did the same thing when we got our new camera! And when we went to Whitewater Draw, Gus took 800 photos! Good thing there is a delete button! I can't wait to see what you "shoot" next! We have a nikon D80 and we're still learning to use it!
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