I had a million things to do today, one right after the other, but I managed to squeeze in 45 minutes of birding at "Grand Valley". If you want to read about my previous trips, click here and here and here....the last one was with Kathi (KatDoc) when she showed me the "legal" way to bird at the pits. And just as Kathi commented on my last post, I too am getting birding fever now that the crappy, hot summer weather has passed. And Fall Migration is revving up! Whoot!
The legal way to bird at the pits is also frustratingly far away. Way up on a hill overlooking the water.

The legal way to bird at the pits is also frustratingly far away. Way up on a hill overlooking the water.

Pied-billed grebe
There were between 50 and 75 cedar waxwings working the trees. And I could only get two semi-decent pictures.

So, you won't turn around so I can get a good picture of your face?
Fine. I am totally taking a picture of your butt.
And the nemesis of all birders...the FALL WARBLER:

So, you won't turn around so I can get a good picture of your face?
Fine. I am totally taking a picture of your butt.
And the nemesis of all birders...the FALL WARBLER:
Let's see. We have yellowish head and chest, white wing bars, and faint streaking on the chest. I am trying to turn this into a pine warbler. Anyone want to chime in?
I'm going back with Lorelei tomorrow, when I will have more time. Thanks for showing me the "won't go to jail" way to bird the pits!
Great show, Susan! I'm glad you are enjoying the cool air, too, and enjoying the migration. I can't wait to see what you find today!
Nobody likes doing things the legal way. ;)
As for the dreaded fall warbler...I'm gonna guess pine warbler, too.
Geez, between the fall warblers and the empidonax flyctachers, birding is HARD! We should each give ourselves a pat on the back. ;)
Great finds, Susan! Hope you have another great day! This weather is fantastic.
Hey, Susan - this post reminded me: Dennis, a naturalist who works part-time at CNC and part-time at "Grand Valley", aka the Camp Dennison gravel pits, offered to set me up with a guided tour from inside the preserve. I will contact him this week and find out when he is there so we can actually get IN to Grand Valley (legally).
sounds like a perfect way to spend 45 minutes! Great birds for sure! The warbler photo is a tough one for sure!
We're already on the tail-end of migration here...but there were some neat little surprises at our birdbath a few weeks ago.
I'm kinda leaning bay-breasted on this one, but blackpoll's a possibility too. As is pine!
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