I was absent from Bloggerland last night. Sorry. I was at a program very late, because the audience was absolutely rapt and I talked for about an hour and a half. I got home after 11 pm, and was too pooped to post.
What happened to our 80 degree weather? It's been in the 20's at night and barely high 30's in the day.

What happened to our 80 degree weather? It's been in the 20's at night and barely high 30's in the day.

Gratuitous red-bellied woodpecker picture.
I got a lifer today at Armleder Park. Blue winged teals!
I got a lifer today at Armleder Park. Blue winged teals!

When I picked up the girls from school, I dreaded the thought of going back home. What do you do when it's cold and you can't bear the four walls?
We went to Krohn's Conservatory. Aside from being one of the largest public greenhouses in the country, it's also very warm.

75-year old bonsai

The newest exhibit was of Japanese plant sculpture, and many of the beds had blue glass fragments instead of mulch. It was gorgeous.

I love to see the Flower Clock every year outside the Conservatory. They used different flowers each spring.

At the opening to the Desert Room, we were greeted by this sculpture.

Hairy palm, anyone?

The orange trees in the Japanese scuplture garden had big, dripping fruit. I so wanted to reach up and grab one.

These are for Julie, our resident Orchidaceae-phile.

Can anyone guess the name of this?
It's pretty easy...a powderpuff tree.
After sweating our butts off, we then heading over the the Cincinnati Art Museum, right around the corner from the Conservatory.

I had seen this every time we have gone to the museum, but I never read the plaque.
An Andy Warhol!
It was commissioned by the Cincinnati Reds in 1985, two years before Warhol died.
Pete Rose...if you live in Cincinnati, you are ready to die just to get him in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Isabelle saw this painting, and said, "I have seen this before. It's a Van Gogh."
Oh, Hell yeah, my smart SCHOOLED little girl.
Other people were nearby and heard my bright five-year old displaying her knowledge. I could have busted with pride.

But of course, Nellie gives me the raspberry, not being a artsy-type.
I think this is the perfect time of year to visit an indoor garden and sweat a little - it looks very pretty! All that heat and color is good for the soul while we wait.
I'm jealous, I love the conservatory!
Hey, Susan. Everything you shared was great tonight, i.e. the Isabelle's comment, and the powderpuff tree. But, in the end, Nellie's raspberry wins the prize. You go, Nellie!
Glad you are back. It's a busy time of year and you are making the most of it in your travels.
Wow! A conservatory . . . what fun! Great pics too. Love Isabelle the Art Expert! That is SO awesome!
Susan, LOL! "Your smart *SCHOOLED* little girl!!" That's good. And it's is so cool she knows a Van Gogh. OMG!
Love Nellie's raspberry!
I love your conservatory! The blue glass fragments are so pretty!
And congrats on the new lifer! Yay!
Is the Krohn Conservatory free?
No worries, we all get busy from time to time! Love your blue-winged teal pictures! The Conservatory looks like a very fun place to be when the weather turns like this!
Gee, this post had everything; powderpuff trees, orchids, two of my favorite places in Cincinnati, and hairy palms. Good job, Susan.
Beth the Relative:
Yep, it's free. And so is the art museum. I think it's time Melanie was exposed to some culture. You can't start too young. :)
Nice teal. Nice orchids. Nice Van Gogh. (And double WHOOT! to Isabelle for knowing the artist)
Re-e-e-al nice raspberry from Nellie. (At least it wasn't what Grace was doing under my desk the other day. Whew! That one required opened windows and industrial-strength Glade.)
Melanie has been to the art museum! We love the art museum. It's so far, though. She'd like the conservatory.
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