Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fun day, sucky snow

I am home, after a two hour drive through snow and ice and rain.
The weather turned ugly just as the symposium was drawing to a close, so one of our RAPTOR volunteers offered to take the birds back with her, to save me extra driving (she lives just around the corner from RAPTOR).
I am wiped out from white-knuckling it all the way home, so I will do a proper post tomorrow.
It was a GREAT GREAT day!


Anonymous said...

Susan - I'm so glad you're home safely, and look forward to your post!!

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you made it home safely. I was worried about you, Julie & Bill, and all the OOS owlers during Sat night's ice storm. Luckily, where I was in Columbus we just got brushed by it, and when I got home tonight (Sun) it looks like I didn't get anything at all here.

Can't wait to hear about it all!


Anonymous said...


Great raptors on the trip home today: 5 Red-tailed Hawks, 4 American Kestrels and 2 unknown Buteos (I think maybe Red-shouldered) on I-71 between Cols and Rt 68 (Wilmington exit) plus 1 more Kestrel on Rt 68 (Brown County) and one on SR 133 (Clermont County)

Also, a Great Blue Heron, 2 Killdeer, and a skunk. "Birding While Driving" - not for the faint of heart!


Mary said...

Glad you are home. We'll be waiting :)

Dave Dorsey said...

Glad your home safe. Come visit us up here for more practice. :)