And I can't wait to do it again. It was just so cool and dramatic and flamboyant. My favorite part was at the end:
We are all on the stage, in front of the alter, and above the alter is a painting of the Christ Child, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, and someone else I can't remember. As the King began to bow, we all followed suit, going all the way to the floor (not an easy task for me, what with holding Lucy our Peregrine Falcon). Then, as one, we rose from the floor and as the most heavenly music swelled around us, we lifted our gifts (trumpets, staffs, bows, holly and I lifted Lucy) to the Christ Child. Wow.
And I have to say that Lucy was the star of the show. Not because I think so, but all the comments I received from the audience and the players alike. Everyone was just floored when I walked down the aisle with Lucy...and Lucy must have a bit of showman in her: She was pretty calm, considering all the commotion, but would lift her wings and flap away as we went along. I didn't even have to do our little trick of tipping my hand so she puts her wings out for balance. She did it all herself. What a good bird.
And speaking of birds...
Junior finally made his move tonight. I had finished at RAPTOR and was about to get into my car (Junior had been on the ground about 20 feet from the car, eating something) and he did his hooting, displaying thing, took off and came at me, trying to land on my head. If I hadn't been prepared (I had my gloves on, and was able to cover my head with them) he could have really hurt me.
So now, I think something has to be done with him. I will keep all of you posted.
Susan you look adorable and happy in that get-up!
Glad you had a good day.
Happy new year to you!
It's that time of year for Junior. Hope he finds a (more) suitable mate before the anyone needs to intervene.
Great outfit! Sounds like you had a great time.
Poor Junior - I'm glad you're okay, hope he ends up okay, too. Happy New Year!
What a fun way to finish off the old year. Happy New Year to you.
Wow! What a great event! You look MAHvelous (insert Billy Crystal's voice, please). Good girl, Lucy for getting into the spirit of the event.
As for Junior . . . I think it's time you had a serious chat with him. Explain to him that you are already in a committed relationship and that you don't love him that way. It will be painful for both of you but I'm sure he'll understand.
If not, someone else needs to explain to him that no means no -- no matter your species!
Okay, joking aside -- that sucks since it probably means he'll have to be relocated. I'm GLAD you were prepared for it. Sigh.
Looks like a fun time. Happy New Year!
Susan, you sure don't look like a HuntsMAN but I love how you smiled and photographed yourself! LOL! You really rock to do what you did last night. What a great memory.
Poor Junior. Smitten with a Huntsman. What is a *real girl* to do? I hope he can get some good therapy or find a more suitable mate. We don't you to see you injured...really! Be careful, please.
Happy New Year, Susan!
Yer new look RAWKS. You look deadly, like you could track a puma across a boulder field. You look...faaaabulous. Do you get to keep the outfit?
\Happy birthday! You're such a whippersnapper.
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