Yep, it's that time again. And yep, he's in my hair. (He was completely up in my braid looking for a place to hide)
This is the next installation in our rat saga, and I hope he stay healthy. He is ruby-eyed and his fur is fawn colored. (Though he looks white in the photos)
He is very sweet and very cuddly...and he needs a name.
Let me hear some good names!
(No names with Pestilence in them, please)
No pestilence? How about 'Nick' as in BuboNICK?
The rat does not appear to be a Norwegian rat (it was not wearing skis). Since it was nesting on your head it is probably a "roof rat." There are numerous reports, and simple logic, that would indicate that roof rats may be carriers of shingles.
Also, since the rat was/is nesting in your hair I would recommend switching your shampoo from Head & Shoulders to Head & Rodent to clear up the problem.
As for a name how about:
Rat-atouille (would you like a few recipes?)
I have to admit that "Nic" or "Nick" would be a fitting choice, especially since you will probably not be going with Black Death, Fleabag, or Pestilance.
It has been brought to my attention that as your oldest, and best friend that I have an obligation to talk to you about your "head mice" problem. Family and friends are very concerned and insist that you seek help immediately!!
I like Templeton...but Nick I like too...but not for BuboNICK, but for Nicodemus, from "The Rats of NIMH"
Good ones, guys!
How about Mold, because he grows on you.
Isabelle suggested Zippy, to anyone who wants to back her up on that.
Isabelle also suggested "Jimmy" but I thought that Grandpa JIM may not be amused.
My vote is for Nicodemus, or Nic for short, since 1 of my 6 rats is Templeton. Also, Penny and Nicodemus sound cute together!
Personally, I think that Penny & Nicodemus sound like the main ingredients in a well-seasoned Rat-atouille!!
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