One of my favorite things to do with Isabelle is to make cookies. Specifically, chocolate chip.
We don't do it often, because otherwise we would all be 300 pounds.

Isabelle LOVES to help, and I have to say that her little 4 1/2 year old hands are steady enough to pour in flour, chips, and to crack an egg without breaking the yolk or getting any shells in the bowl. Echos of my Dad ring through my mind when Belle and I bake. He taught me so many neat things: how to follow a recipe, crack an egg with one hand, why we don't beat cake and cookie dough too long (makes them tough), how to make a perfect pancake...

And there's a very strict rule in our house: Good little helpers get to clean off the beaters.
And that goes for sweet, patient puppies, too.
Yum! Cute pics - especially Nellie!
Betty Crocker?!...Yeah, right. Come on, admit it: You are really Martha Stewart (but with much better qualities....and no time in the pen).
Oh, and by the way, the really, really "Cute pics" are of Isabelle.
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