Over the past month or so, I have done some reading up on the ABA and have a clearer picture of what it's all about. And up until about a week and a half ago, things were not looking good. I kept reading phrases like "financial crater" and "poor leadership" and "Who cares about the ABA anyway?".
As it turns out, all birders should care about the ABA. It is the only organization of its kind in North America, and it is FOR birders and BY birders. They have a comprehensive Code of Ethics that as birders we all need to adhere to. They contribute to bird and bird habitat conservation. They offer conferences and workshops. It's an organization for US.
This is the place where we all need to be.
About a week and a half ago, the news came ripping through the intertubes through email, texting, but most of all, Facebook. Jeff Gordon had been selected as the new President of the ABA. I'm pretty sure Facebook broke that day.
We will be learning more as the weeks and months go on, but for now, I am unbelievably proud of Jeff, honored to be his friend, and ready to help in any way he needs. He has a HUGE job ahead of him.
Be sure to stop here, at his blog and the new ABA blog for updates.
Here's a link to a video Jeff has posted on the ABA blog:
Hello from the New President and Greetings from Providence
I was telling my mother about Jeff's good news, and I mentioned that I wanted to join the ABA for the first time. Mom decided that a membership would make a good early Christmas gift for me. Thanks, Mom!
I leave you with my favorite photo of Jeff (because I took it, and because it captures just what makes Jeff so darn lovable)...
Chilling on the Farmhouse porch one evening during the 2010 New River Birding and Nature Festival.
(And Jeff is on the front page of their web site too!)

Wow, Susan!
This is great. Thanks so much for all the kind words and thanks to your Mom for springing for the gift membership. Terrific.
If the ABA can't speak for and to folks like you, who've obviously committed a huge portion of their energy and talents to birds and the birding community, then we may as well just pack up our tent. I'm so looking forward to making ABA not only bigger, but better. And more effective. And, not incidentally, more fun. I know you can help with all those goals, Susan—especially the last one!
Can't wait to see you in Cape May in a couple of weeks!
Add me to the list of proud new members of the ABA. See you both in Cape May at the end of the month.
And I didn't even know he was a lawyer!
(I'll have to buy him a drink in Cape May.)
Congrats Jeff!
Yay! He's so awesome.
It's so cool to know the president!
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