I think that if I had been given the choice, I would have picked milkweed blossoms for my wedding bouquet. I bent down to get a big whiff, and it was sweet-smelling like cotton candy ice cream.
Today was one of those marathon get-the-kids-to-where-they-need-to-go, then go-get-the-birds-and-do-a-program, then a reversal of everything to get back to where I started. Since we were down to one car, all the driving was left to me. Dropped off the kids, went to RAPTOR to get owls for a "Harry Potter" program at the Cincinnati Museum Center, then drove HELL BENT FOR LEATHER back to Loveland to get the girls by 3:30. And I had to somehow squeeze three bird carriers, a cart, my dead-stuff box and both of my children into a relatively small-sized Saturn. The girls barely had enough room to get enough breath to complain.
Oh, did I mention that the Saturn's AC is going out, too? So add all the above to 90 degrees today.
Looking at Lucy helps...

After two years, I still don't get tired of looking at that face. Aren't peregrines just beautiful? (And her cere, eyelids and feet are bright, sunny yellow....she's been gettin' vitamins.)
For Lynne. Sigh.

A little test....anyone see anything up with Earl's toes?

A baby robin at RAPTOR. A RAPTOR Robin.....hee hee.
In the midst of racing with the birds back to RAPTOR (sans kids....I dropped them off with Geoff), I called the dealership to check on my car. (They have had it since WEDNESDAY.)
My car was all finished. And the AC WORKS. It freakin' WORKS!!!!!!
Why is this such a big deal? Because it has taken three summers, one hotter than the last, for a mechanic to finally figure out why it didn't work. And we finally had the moo-lah to make it happen. Life does not suck.

(photo by Geoff Williams)
It's cold inside even when it's hot outside. Such a small thing to make a girl so sublimely happy. I will never, ever take air conditioning for granted. EVER.
Another little thing to make a girl happy: I have no programs tomorrow or Wednesday, and the girls will be at summer camp all day. Guess what Susan's gonna do????
Huge congrats on the AC! Life is worth living again. Love those milkweed flowers -- gorgeous!
Ummm...I think you might bead? Maybe? And yayayayayay!!!! A/C that works. Woohoot!!!!
Jeesh - glad you'll be cool again!
I love my swamp milkweed - a little messy, yeah, but the bugs and butterflies love it!
Do you see the orange milkweed that's exploding around here?!
I've decided to add that ASAP. My milkweed patch is always a favorite place for me to explore--I'm glad yours is doing well this year!
Milkweed--a highly underappreciated plant!
We have gobs of swamp milkweed growing along the creek at Hasty Brook. Do you think I could get the seeds to grow here at home?
I had to click on Earl to see- is she missing the tip of a toe? It looks like she's wearing tiny white earmuffs. Admit it Susan, deep down you think Earl is as beautiful as I do don't you?
Hurray on the AC!!
I no longer feel like a stinky mildew-y dish rag. Life IS good.
I prefer the common, but I like the reddish colors on the swamp's leaves.
I have! It's gorgeous and I want some! I've been tempted to pull over on the darn highway when I see some and snatch it.
Yes, Earl is pretty in her own way. There, I said it.
And yes, she is missing a tip of one of her toes. (Frostbite a few years back...now she has HEATED perches. What a diva)
I wanted to bird, but the heat was too oppressive, so I went to the bead store.
: )
My common milkweed is blooming all over the yard--it has a wonderfully sweet smell also.
Congrats on getting your car back -- finally with functional A/C!
We have the orange milkweed going right now. And you should see the front yard (such as it is), which has turned into a Queen Anne's Lace jungle.
I love that pic of Earl--Dracula! And the peregrine photo is beautiful, Susan. What a beautiful bird.
Looking at Lucy makes me feel so "not worthy", if you know what I mean. God what an awesome bird.
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