Word of the Day:
malapropism \mal-uh-PROP-iz-uhm\, noun:
The usually unintentionally humorous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound; also, an example of such misuse.
(Hey, I do that all the time. Does that make me a "Malapropic"?)
Oh, you are all in for a treat. I made bread today.
This is a picture of it mixing.
And here's the finished product.
I have a bread machine, and though I am quite capable of making a loaf with my own two hands, it is so much easier to just throw all the stuff in the bread machine and let it worry about making the thing. I was low on regular white bread flour, so I put in half white bread flour and half wheat. I have found that a loaf of bread made with nothing but whole wheat flour takes on the consistency and weight of a large brick.
And here's a picture that just pissed me off:

I pulled into Walgreens to pick up a prescription, and saw this big Hummer parked next to me.
Oh, yeah. THIS is necessary, right? Because you never know when you may have to engage in guerrilla warfare while buying a pack of Tums.
Could we all just get a freakin' clue here? If it gets 10 miles to a gallon of gas, maybe, JUST MAYBE, it might not be the appropriate vehicle to buy?
Tomorrow, we will be back with our regular standard programing.
A RAPTORite and the girls and I will be out nest-hunting. Pictures will be taken!
Mmmmmm, homemade bread is, bar none, the best! You rock!
Ooooo, hummers tick me off, too. It looks like the one that a guy down the road owns. I so just want to "take it out" sometime. Guys that own these vehicles must be missing something. . . Yeah, and you know Ohio is just full of mountainous back roads, huh?
Looking forward to tomorrow's photos!
It is my personal right to drive a gaz-guzzling monster if I so chose!
What really ticks me off is all those poor people getting food stamps! Why don't they get a job and contribute to the fossil-fuel economy like the rest of us patriotic Americans!
(Silly tongue-in-cheek mini rant brought to you by an over-tired social services caseworker who had a very long day!)
Hey, like everyone in Alaska drives a hummer. It is our right as pork-guzzling nieces and nephews of Uncle Ted. I mean, we drill the stuff, right?!
Were you at the Nouveau Riche Walgreens?
And another thing about the hummer - it's UGLY.
Have a good day birding and I'll be back!
Right now in our area there is a gas shortage. Gas is $1.07 a litre (Quart) and we are limited to 70 litre fill ups. Many stations are closed as they are out of gas. The Hummer and SUV drivers are in trouble!
I love homemade bread . . . hmmmm, maybe I'll make some this afternoon as a treat for me and the kids!
Malapropisms are so fun. Here is a great link for you, Susan.
Fun with Words on Malaprops
I love that it's a made up word based on a character in an 18th century novel who regularly substituted similar sounding words with hilarious, unintended results.
(Wow, did I just release my inner English Major geek or WHAT?)
So, anyone seen any cool birds lately or anything because I'm totally not being an English geek right now -- I'm much more comfortable being a cool birder. (Whistling nonchalantly and looking innocent!)
Liza- you are SUCH an English geek!!
Susan your blog needs sniff-o-vision! Your bread got my mouth watering! Don't you just love a bread machine? Hummers are BUTT_UGLY!! That's all there is to say about them.
and gas prices have gone up!! I love the bread from those bread machines! They are the best! Have a good weekend!
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