Day number 2 of Project Bluebird: 2 eggs

My precious Lorelei picks Daddy a bouquet of clover

Baby Dill: I'm not sure why I planted dill in a corner of the yard... but I smelled it once in a friend's yard and fell in love with its scent. What will I do with dill? Maybe I will make pickles.

At least the bluebirds have good taste in beer. Could this be the first instance of birds nesting in a beer box? Someone call Cornell.
I think Swallowtails like dill... and I like Sam Adams!
Sammy has always been a favorite with me, too. I hope you post a photo that shows how you set the box up and how the birds are using it.
LOL I wish I had known you like Sam...I gave the bottles to my brother, but I would have packaged them up and sent them to you. One of them was black licorice/molasses. Yuck.
I will try and get a pic to show the setup...but it's pretty simple: I nailed it to the fence. :-)
It does have a nice slid-off lid so I can peek without too much fuss. But I have to narrow the entrance...it's made in the shape of a handle, not a bird entrance hole. Any critter could reach in and have eggs for breakfast.
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