Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What color is your aura?

Your aura is Indigo.
Indigos are truth-tellers. They are quiet, alert, spiritual, inquisitive, patient, determined, guiltless, stubborn and honest. They can be blunt.
Go here to find the color of your aura.


Shannon said...

I don't know about the quiet part, but the rest is right on. I did take this test and I am a Loving Tan. Imagine that!!

Susan Gets Native said...

That was right on for you...especially the scattered part! Har har.
Loving Tan really DOES fit you. You're a great person, a great friend...Hugs!
(I was worried that the website would tell me that my aura was green/orange plaid.

Shannon said...

Or pink with neon green polka dots!!!