Monday, May 01, 2006

Tired of tree swallow posts yet?

Well, here's another one. I promise I will try to rein it in soon; I'm just enamored.

They are nest-building in the gourd. I watched them most of the day, off and on, carrying grass, twigs, etc into the gourd. I found some craft feathers, non-toxic and clean, and went out and tossed them around in front of the swallows. I think, if the kids hadn't been out there hollering and running around, the swallows would have taken the feathers from my hand. I think that's the main reason they have me so ga-ga. They let you get close, don't get too bothered...good thing, because our yard is an extension of the house and I can't keep the yahoos inside.
Look how cute she is, poking her sweet little face out of the gourd...

FYI: Birdchick is especially funny today...what a life she has.


Endment said...

Oh - how fun!

Anonymous said...

I never tire of seeing my relatives!

LauraHinNJ said...

So.... have they settled in?