Invariably, someone asks, "Why have raptors at a native plant conference?" I don't answer the question for them, I let them answer it themselves.
Put native plants in your yard.
This attracts lots of great insects and other animals who depend on the native plants.
Raptors and other predators come and eat the prey that is attracted to the insects, etc, that are attracted to the native plants. And the balance is achieved. Easy.
So enough about native plants for now. Let's get to the gravy of my day. I'm going to keep the words short because frankly, the photos and video stand well on their own.
I set up by some doors that led to a courtyard. Well, there were ducks. A mama duck and BABY DUCKS.
Baby ducks are my Kryptonite. This loud and obnoxious gal turns into sugary goo when baby ducks are involved.
Here they are:

And after all the squealing and melting was done, I went back inside, where Sylvester was trying to cast a pellet.
Check out the laughing in the background...this woman seems to be a little bit off-balance.
But anyway....pellet time: