So goodbye Dear Sony, who got me through 2 NRBNF, and 2 trips to New Jersey, countless bird walks around here, and some good years with the girls.
But I shall not mourn. Because I got a new one.
A Nikon P500. This is a point and shoot camera that thinks its a DSLR.
I still have to figure out all the settings, the bells, the whistles. But I'm very happy with it.
36x zoom. Crazy macro. It's just overwhelming.
Here are some preliminary shots:
(We haven't had any sun for about 2 weeks, so the light has been BLAH.)

The beginning of a serviceberry

Blue Jay (from about 30 feet away)

Peek-a-boo carpenter bee on the mailbox

Jake, my favorite Starbucks barista

The girls at the end of the driveway (they were about 100 feet away)



Garter snake, I think....he didn't want to be photographed

Honey bee on grape hyacinth

And a Prothonotary Warbler, singing his bright yellow butt off at Lake Isabella.