And now. Seems like I can barely squeeze out three posts a month. I blame Facebook.
I think Facebook was made for me. I can sling my diatribes and share my goofier moments, and I get instant gratification. The blog, well, it's different.
I'm not going to make a promise that I will post every day, but I think it's safe to say I can try harder. I can't try any less, can I?
What I've been up to:
I recently went to North Carolina for a family wedding. I was hoping to see dear Mary, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. She was out of town that weekend, so I missed her. A lot. Though I only spent two days in North Carolina, I fell for the state immediately. The mountains, the rivers. I wish I had had more time to really know it, to plumb the depth of its valleys and climb its peaks, to learn its heart. I hope I can go back soon. I'm going to try...the Carolina Raptor Center is there!
Big news at the house: After months of being forced to be Amish, we finally bought a new washer and dryer. I spent a week just catching up to all the towels, blankets, random socks and sweaters that I had been just shoving into the bottom of the laundry baskets all summer.

I got to meet some famous bird people last month....Kenn and Kim Kaufman. I was invited to bring some raptors to the Ohio Young Birder's Club annual conference. And I was thrilled to be there. Even got to hang out a little with Les, which is always a fun time.
(Photo by Tim Daniel)

Isabelle has a new pet. A small, adorable little leopard gecko named Griffin (I sure hope he's a boy):

I found very fat chickens and a donkey who needs extreme dental care:

We had a marvelous and fattening Thanksgiving dinner, which was capped off by my four pies:

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Lake Isabella's resident Great Horned Owls, and their sweet fuzzy babies:

We watched Isabelle's basketball team lose their first game (Boo!):

A massive flight of Sandhill Cranes invaded Ohio the other day, and a few flocks coursed through the sky over our house:

And just yesterday, I got up close and personal with a Bald Eagle. This bird (we assume it's the same one) comes into town every year around this time and even sits in the same tree every day. A very cooperative and calm bird, it doesn't mind humans being nearby (and the tree in which it sits is right next to a busy, noisy road).

So I might not get back to my every-day, every-moment-of-my-life sharing. But I can occasionally give out these long, rambling posts that encapsulate a month and a half.